A Holistic Approach to Personal Transformation & Healing

About Lindwall Releasing

The Lindwall Releasing technique, developed by Dr. Isa Lindwall and Yolanda Lindwall, is a transformative process focused on identifying and releasing the root causes of negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and painful experiences.

In the 1970s, the late Dr Isa Lindwall and his late wife, Yolanda Lindwall, discovered and developed a powerful process of investigative enquiry to discover the cause and effect of negative, painful emotions as well as limiting beliefs arising in a person’s daily life and an effective method to release the cause so that the effect is transformed.
This process is called Lindwall Releasing or Releasing, for short.

An essential key aspect in the practice of Releasing is that we can release negative emotions,
limiting mind programs, painful decisions, negative thoughts and ideas that we become aware of as well as those that we are unaware of, suppress or deny. This can be done by using Releasing Statements.

As Releasing also uses the power of words through Releasing Statements it can be used in any daily life situation to release poisonous negative thoughts in the moment we become aware of them or when they are intuitively detected even without a deeper process.

Painful and poisonous emotions from many years ago in this current life, karmic root causes from past lives, inherited pain and trauma from our ancestors, and even entities which might be in our energy field can all be released in a deeper process which involves a system of investigation through precise enquiry. This process can be learned. Emotions, if they are there, are allowed and encouraged to come to the surface, to be fully felt and expressed after which Releasing Statements are used.

These statements are spoken aloud and can be conveniently and easily used in any situation that brings a feeling or experience of limitation, struggle or suffering. Even children can be quickly taught to use Releasing Statements to release shock from falling down, fears and emotional pain.

Affirmations that support life and love are then spoken to reprogram the mind positively.

For example: “I release my decision to close my heart to protect my heart from pain. I make a new decision now to fully open my heart again to allow love to enter and heal my heart.”

Or “I release the anger for myself for the mistakes that I made in the past. I release to judge and punish myself and I release my fear to be judged. I choose now to fully forgive myself.“

Many years ago, Dr Lindwall had a female patient who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and who had been blind for three years. Treatment and consultations with 27 doctors did not bring her any relief. To add to her unhappiness, she had also experienced being raped in this life. Upon investigation into the root cause it was found that she had been in a male body in a past life and had raped three females. Subconsciously she had refused to look at what she had done and had instead chosen to destroy her physical body to punish herself. When she opened to see the truth and acknowledged her past actions and asked for forgiveness and forgave herself, her vision returned immediately and her multiple sclerosis was instantly healed. She had made Releasing Statements to release her feelings of guilt and shame, refusal to look at herself, self-hate, her decision to punish herself, etc, and forgave herself. There was no other treatment. Cancer, epilepsy, severe eczema, chronic pains, depression, schizophrenia, phobias, and much more have been healed by only releasing the root causes.

How is it that speaking Releasing Statements can have such a powerful effect on someone’s mind, emotion, body and energies? It is because of how we are designed as consciousness/energy system/ channels/ winds/ brain/ chakras/ nervous system and body, in connection with the whole universe. When we make a Releasing Statement it is a conscious and deliberate choice, just like when we press the “Delete“ button on our computers. When we make that conscious choice, it is because of how we are interfaced in all our systems as mentioned and in connection to the whole universe that the release happens. The choice is made to release the identification with the thought or emotion thus setting the psycho-energetic mechanics in motion all the way throughout the entire mind, heart, body system because of how it is created and connected.

“You as a soul or consciousness are the computer operator. The brain is the computer. Our physical body and our life are the printout. So when we say, “I release…” whatever we release gets deleted and cleared from our energy field, chakras and body cells.”

The Key Elements of Releasing

Investigative Enquiry

Identifying and investigating the root causes of negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and painful experiences, including exploring past lives, inherited pain from ancestors, and the presence of entities in one's energy field.

Releasing Statements

Speaking aloud statements that consciously release identified negative emotions, decisions, and thoughts. These statements are aimed at deleting or releasing the identified issues from the individual's energy field, chakras, and body cells.


Following the releasing process with positive affirmations that support life and love to reprogram the mind positively.

Releasing Statements can be used in any situation to release poisonous negative thoughts in the moment we become aware of them, even without a deeper process.

Painful and poisonous emotions from many years ago in this current life, karmic root causes from past lives, inherited pain and trauma from our ancestors, and even entities which might be in our energy field can all be released. This process can be learned. Emotions, if they are there, are allowed and encouraged to come to the surface, to be fully felt and expressed after which Releasing Statements are used.

These statements are spoken aloud and can be conveniently used in any situation that brings a feeling or experience of limitation, struggle or suffering. Even children can be quickly taught to use Releasing Statements to release shock from falling down, fears and emotional pain.

Affirmations that support life and love are then spoken to reprogram the mind positively.

A Releasing Statement to Accept Love From Others

“I release my decision to close my heart to protect my heart from pain. I make a new decision now to fully open my heart again to allow love to enter and heal my heart.”

A Releasing Statement to Heal Guilt and Shame

“I release the anger for myself for the mistakes that I made in the past. I release to judge and punish myself and I release my fear to be judged. I choose now to fully forgive myself.”

Types of Releasing

  • Emotional Releasing

    Releasing negative emotions such as fear, anger, guilt, and shame by using Releasing Statements to consciously let go of these feelings.

  • Mind Program Releasing

    Addressing limiting mind programs or thought patterns that contribute to negative beliefs and behaviors.

  • Decision Releasing

    Releasing painful decisions made in the past that may be influencing current experiences and choices.

  • Karmic Releasing

    Exploring and releasing root causes from past lives that may be impacting present emotions and experiences.

  • Ancestral Releasing

    Releasing pain and trauma inherited from ancestors, addressing issues passed down through generations.

  • Entity Releasing

    Releasing entities, demonic beings, or disincarnates that may have entered an individual's energy field, affecting mental, emotional, and physical health.

The Releasing Process

In a releasing process, the facilitator guides and supports the person through the session to surface themes of disturbance, to release and transform them and to make decisions that are in alignment with the person’s True Self through a series of steps.

Once we have learned the releasing process we can practice it alone or with the assistance of a trained Releasing facilitator, either in a workshop or individually with a facilitator.

*The experiences during the Releasing process vary with each individual.

What You Will Experience

  • The person who releases lies down or sits in a comfortable position.

    In a relaxed state one has easier excess to the inner Self, to one’s emotions, intuition and even unconscious memories. It is not a state of hypnosis.

  • The facilitator gives the suggestion to allow the memories, thoughts and feelings to surface that are connected to the issues that are most important at this time to be released and healed.

    The facilitator also suggests to the releasing person to not judge any of the memories, thoughts and feelings that come up, as self-judgement often creates a tendency to suppress inner emotions.

  • The facilitator asks questions to help him/her to get in touch with his/her inner self and to focus on the process:

    What do you feel? How does your body feel?

    What memories or images come to your mind?

    What age were you when you felt this or experienced this?

    How did you experience this or what happened?

    How did you feel about that?

    What were your thoughts about this?

  • The facilitator asks the releasing person to speak Releasing Statements like:

    “I release my anger… (or fear, grief, rage, guilt, disappointment).”

    “I release my decision to never forgive myself… (or other negative decisions)”

    “I release my belief that I’m not worthy… (or other limiting beliefs and concepts).”

  • After the constraining emotions are released and drained, the person is invited to make new choices and decisions (always with respect of her/his free will) that are in alignment with the person’s True Self in order to empower and confirm the transformation.

The Many Applications of Releasing

“Many people struggle with loving themselves, burdening their hearts with criticism, judgement and self condemnation. Their inner sun of love is covered with many thick, cloudy layers of memories full of guilt for their mistakes.”

Heiko Niedermeyer

“Compassion, happiness and our true nature radiate forth naturally when we release the clouds that cover our hearts and minds.

Many small clouds that may appear almost invisible until you shine your attention and awareness on them can be released on a daily basis. Making Releasing a practice, like meditation, we can prevent bigger clouds from forming.”

Selina Niedermeyer

Welcome Joy, Love, and Success in your Life through Releasing

Let go of all feelings of fear, doubt, pain, trauma, guilt, and shame